Expand Your Knowledge

As IT professionals, we rely on HTTP requests and responses daily when building web apps and APIs.

With so many status codes to remember, it can be tricky to keep them straight.

That's why having a handy HTTP cheat sheet is so valuable.

Rather than attempt to memorize every code, keep a quick reference with the most common ones:

- 200 OK - Request succeeded
- 301 Moved Permanently - Resource relocated
- 400 Bad Request - Malformed request
- 401 Unauthorized - Authentication required
- 403 Forbidden - Access denied
- 404 Not Found - Resource not found
- 500 Internal Server Error - Server error

It also helps to remember the main HTTP request methods:

• GET - Retrieve data
• POST - Submit new data
• PUT - Update existing data
• PATCH - Partial update of existing data
• DELETE - Delete data
• HEAD - Get headers for a response
• OPTIONS - Get supported methods for a URL
• CONNECT - Create TCP/IP tunnel
• TRACE - Echo request for debugging

With this one-page guide, you'll have the core HTTP methods and status codes memorized in no time.

No need to get overwhelmed trying to recall them all.

Focus first on learning the most used ones